


Research Scientist Position in Earth Sciences

Institute of Earth Sciences (IES), Academia Sinica, is looking for applicants at the assistant research scientist level or above with strong technical backgrounds in geodesy, covering both inland and offshore seafloor applications. The successful candidate needs to technically support the ongoing geodetic and related research as well as help to explore new research directions at IES. The candidate also needs to be capable of handling the logistics related to land and marine survey (using both Mandarin and English). Candidates with a proven record of technical services, innovations, and teamwork experiences are preferred for the position. The research scientists at IES are expected to work for research projects of the institute under the guidance of respective project principal investigators. 

Academia Sinica is the premier, state-funded research organization in Taiwan. IES, one of the 31 institutes of Academia Sinica, has strong and active research programs in solid Earth geophysics and geochemistry with state-of-the-art analytical and computational facilities. The institute also operates regional seismographic and geodetic networks in Taiwan and other parts of Asia. Current research at IES includes observational and computational seismology, isotope geochemistry and cosmochemistry, active tectonics and geohazards, orogenic processes and crustal evolution, and geodynamics and physical properties of deep Earth. Interested applicants please send the following documents to shewen@gate.sinica.edu.tw before April 15, 2025: a curriculum vitae including a full list of publications/patents, three or more names of references (with affiliation and contact information), and a description of the projects of IES that are most relevant for you to contribute. For more information about IES, please visit https://www.earth.sinica.edu.tw.

